Saturday, September 29, 2007

Mold Testing Kits

If you become concerned that mold exists on your property, the first thing that you should do is buy a mold testing kit. These test kits that you can use on your own are used to determine if mold does in fact exist in your home and to identify what kind of mold you are dealing with and if it is dangerous to you. These kits do not tell you just how much mold is growing in your home and will not tell you everything that a professional mold inspector can.

Mold testing kits include either a stick or a Petri dish that has something for the mold to attach to and grow in. The mold must grow on this item so the lab can determine what kind of mold you are dealing with.

The benefits of home mold testing kits are fairly decent. They are inexpensive for the most part and it does not typically take long for the results to come back from the lab.

Mold tests can be used in order to sample the mold in your home that you can see visually growing on the walls or on the floor and you can find out whether this mold is dangerous to your health or not. All molds are bad for the internal structure of your home, but not all of it will be harmful to your health. Either way it is a good idea to have it removed.

You can also use these tests to sample the air in your home. The air you are breathing may or may not be healthy due to a hidden mold problem. Testing the air being put out by your air conditioner is a good way to find out if there is mold where you live if you cannot find a visible infection.

These Petri dishes can also be placed around your home and if there are mold spores in the air, they will settle onto the dishes and begin to grow.

Unfortunately, you have to follow the instructions included with the tests or they will not be of any use to you. They simply will not return accurate results.

Something else that is unfortunate is the fact that the tests will not just pick up one kind of mold in your home; if there is more than one kind of mold growing in your home, it will pick them all up and molds do not tend to grow at the same speeds. Aspergillus molds, for example, tend to grow faster than Stachybotrys chartarum.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
Houston Fire Damage Water Restoration Contractor companies and
Los Angeles Water Damage and Restoration Services.